Bible Studies

Bible Studies

The Work of Deacons

Series: The Service of Deacons


1.  This Jan. Feb. Mar. quarter of 2014 the overseers have planned for us to study about the work, qualifications and appointment of deacons. 2.  This is designed as a preliminary study to our appointing deacons toward the end of the quarter. 3.  This study is prompted by the fact that we have had some deacons resign.  We have appointed additional elders and that has diminished those serving as deacons and so we need to rejuvenate this area of our work. 4.  Recommend the handouts.

a.  Gary Henry, material on Elders and Deacons.  The material you have in hand is only that part on Deacons.  Other material available on Gary’s website at

b.  Edwin Broadus, article “The Work of Deacons” was published in 1957 in Truth Magazine.  It is available at

5.  Additional considerations.

a.  Alexander Strauch, Minister of Mercy, The New Testament Deacon.

b.  H. E. Phillips, Scriptural Elders and Deacons.

c.  Various other books and Internet articles and materials.  These come from a wide spectrum of perspectives.  Some religious organizations use the term “deacon” but use it to designate a work and office totally different than what is described in Scripture.  We may address some of these perspectives as the class develops, but the primary focus in this class will be on the office and the work as it is described in the biblical record.


On a blank sheet of paper write down your understanding of what the work of a deacon is.  Make a list of some of the works/activities you think appropriate to the work of deacons.


I.  There are only three major texts that particularly address the subject of deacons:  Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:8-13; Acts 6:1-6.

A.   Among Christians there is widespread unclarity on what the work of deacons is.  Part of this may be due to the limited amount of information that we have in Scripture.

1.  Not many passages that refer to deacons.

2.  Not many different terms used to describe the function.  Contra.  Elders, overseers, shepherds.

B.  Often studies are little more than an analysis of the qualifications with little consideration given to the work.  People are appointed and then do not know what to do.  Elders unclear on the work of deacons have problems assigning tasks.  Elders may end up doing the work of deacons and deacons then have no work to do.  The office of deacon then becomes more about honoring the individuals appointed than anything else.  Gary Henry identifies a misperception that diminishes the nature of the work:  “Deacons are not men who are not quite ‘good enough’ to be elders, nor are they merely ‘on their way up’ to becoming elders” (p. 36).

II.  An overview of the three major texts.

A.  Phil. 1:1.

1.  A very brief mention.

2.  A part of the organization of the church in Philippi.

3.  Tandems overseers and deacons as two separate and special roles.

4.  “Diaconois” is the Greek term used.

B.  1 Tim. 3:8ff.

1.  A text addressing special qualifications.

2.  In a context which also address special qualifications of overseers and so suggests that deacons occupy a special office, again distinct from the overseers.

3.  Uses the Greek “diakonoi.”

4.  Each of the above texts suggest that there was an on-going function or role assigned not just a temporary work to be accomplished and that it was a role executed in more than one congregation probably therefore a widespread practice.

C.  Acts 6:1-6.

1.  Some question whether the seven appointed were “deacons” in the official sense of the term for they say they are never referred to as “deacons.”

2.  Yet the work that they do is the work of service (“diakonia,” v. 1).  They are to serve (“diakonein”) tables (v. 2).

3.  While “diakonia” is used of the apostles service of the word (v. 4) this is a unique service different from the service performed by the seven.

4.  Realizing that Acts 6 describes a circumstance early on in the beginning of the church at Jerusalem there may not have been an office of deacon yet, but what they did may have been the precursor to the office.  If either of these is the case (whether they had an actual office or this was a precursor to the office) this text gives us much insight into the nature of the work.  (In fact there may not have been any elders yet in the church at Jerusalem. The apostles seem to be serving as the main leadership in the congregation.)

5.  In this class we will consider Acts 6:1-6 as a key passage in the study of deacons both from the standpoint of the qualifications of the seven and the work that they did.


1.  We are somewhat unclear on what the work of deacons is. 2.  While this class will define the qualifications in an attempt to help us select those who are appropriate for this work we will also work to define what the work is that they are supposed to do.
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